Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Dear readers, through this blog I hope to share training methods, exercises, insights and my experiences coaching a developing canoepolo team. The main focus will be on canoepolo and developing skills, but the articles may also cover different topics.
As I'm new to this there is a chance some articles will be poorly written. Don't hesitate to give feedback or write a comment, as discussion is the best way to improve everyone's insight.
If you want to submit an article, have written something you think is useful or have some useful movies, I'm more than happy to publish it here under your name or post the link(s) in an article.

In the upcoming weeks I hope to upload some movies with exercises for indoor training, mainly for age 12-16. As the temperatures start to rise outside I will start adding canoepolo specific exercises. Everything will be accompanied with an explanation of how and why.

1 comment:

  1. I like this sharing of knowledge and experiences!
